Domestic Credit Exchange Agreements: 33 Universities
Gacheon University
The Catholic University of Korea (Seongsim Campus)
Kangnam University
Kyonggi University
Gyeongin National University of Education
Kyunghee University (International)
Dankook University (Jukjeon)
Daejin University
Luther University
Myongji University
Seoul Theological University
Seoul Jangshin University
Sungkyul University
Suwon University
Asia United Theological University
Ajou University
Anyang University
Yongin University
Eulji University
Incheon National University
Chung-Ang University (Anseong)
Cha University
Chungnam National University
Pyeongtaek University
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Yongin)
Korea Aerospace University
Hansae University
Hanshin University
Hanyang University (Ansan)
Hyupsung University
Korea Welfare University
Korea University of Industrial Technology
Korea National Open University
Scope of Study and Transfer Credit
- At most 6 credits per semester (up to 21 credits by graduation) can be transferred.
- Arts courses must be in the same department.
- Students may not take courses similar or identical to those already taken at the host university.
- Current students who have completed at least one year with a GPA of 3.0 or higher (no grade restrictions for seasonal classes)
Application Methods and Procedures
Domestic University Credit Exchange
Fill out the application form
(student) -
Check with the appropriate department
Submit to the Office of Academic Affairs
(student) -
Verify and approve eligibility
(Office of Academic Affairs) -
Send a letter of recommendation
(Office of Academic Affairs) -
Pay tuition and take classes
(student) -
Receive transcripts
(Office of Academic Affairs) -
Correct grades
(department) -
Confirm grades
(Office of Academic Affairs)
Transferring credits from overseas universities (exchange students)
Select an exchange student
(External Affairs Center) -
Fill out the credit exchange application form
(student, department) -
Submit to Academic Support Team
(student) -
Check and approve eligibility
(Office of Academic Affairs) -
Pay tuition and attend the exchange university
Receive exchange university grades
(External Affairs Center) -
Check exchange university grades
(Office of Academic Affairs) -
Correct grades
(department) -
Confirm grades
(Office of Academic Affairs)