- 글번호
- 71562
Hankyung National University, 'Tashkent University of World Economics and Diplomacy in Uzbekistan Smart Korean Classroom Construction Project' completed
- 작성일
- 2024.01.05
- 수정일
- 2024.01.05
- 작성자
- 정보전산원
- 조회수
- 2333
□, Hankyung National University completed the 'Smart Korean Language Classroom Construction Project at Tashkent University of World Economy and Diplomacy in Uzbekistan', which was held for 4 months from August 2023.
□ The project aimed to increase interest in the Korean language by building smart Korean classrooms and providing education using digital devices and K-contents.
□ Korean language instructors at the University of World Economics and Diplomacy said, "Korean lectures using digital devices and K-contents helped to draw out students' interest and desire to learn from classes that used to consist only of PPT. In addition, as a result of the satisfaction survey of the participants in the Korean language lectures and club activities who participated in the project, the satisfaction rate was high at 93 ~ 100%."He said.
□ Nam In-sik, head of the project, said, "We look forward to expanding mutual cooperation between the two universities, such as training programs for instructors and students, not just a one-time hardware support project called smart Korean classrooms."
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