fnctId=profl,fnctNo=109 인물소개 리스트 교수 황수연 상세보기 직위 교수 전화번호 031-670-5424 소속 화학공학전공 전공 세포신호전달 연구실 제1공학관 114호 교수소개 교수 황수연 소속 화학공학전공 직위 교수 전화번호 031-670-5424 전공 세포신호전달 연구실 제1공학관 114호 이메일 dutuya@hknu.ac.kr 학력 및 경력 서울대학교 생물교육과 학사 서울대학교 과학교육과 석사 미국 Rutgers University 세포발생학 이학박사 연구실적 및 저서 A novel F-box protein with leucine-rich repeats affects defecation frequency and daumone response in Caenorhabditis elegans. Kim SM, Jang SH, Han CT, Min KS, Lee HK and Hwang, SY. Ani Cell Sys 16:280-288 (2012. 8) A distinct tolerogenic subset of splenic IDO+ CD11b+ dendritic cells from orally tolerized mice is responsible for induction of systemic immune tolerance and suppression of collagen-induced arthritis. Park MJ, Park KS, Park HS, Cho ML, Hwang SY, Min SY, Park MK, Park SH and Kim HY. Cell Immunol 278:45-54 (2012.11) Interleukin-2/anti-interleukin-2 monoclonal antibody immune complex suppresses collagen-induced arthritis in mice by fortifying interleukin-2/STAT5 signaling pathways. Lee SY, Cho ML, Oh HJ, Ryu JG, Park MJ, Jhun JY, Park MK, Stone, JC, Ju JH, Hwang SY, Park SH, Suh DS and Kim, HY. Immunology 137:305-316 (2012. 12) Molecular cloning and e-x-p-r-e-s-s-i-o-n analyses of porcine MAP1LC3A in the granulosa cells of normal and miniature pig. Kim SH, Hwang SY, Min KS, Yoon JT. Rep Bio Endocrinol 11:8 (2013. 1) p53 controls autoimmune arthritis via the STAT3/SA5 mediated regulaion of the h17-Treg balance. Park JS, Lim MA, Cho ML, Ryu JG, Jhun JY, Byun JK, Hwang SY, Park SH, Kowk SK, Kim HY. Arthritis and Rheumatism 10:1002 (Epub ahead of print) 교수 김영호 상세보기 직위 교수 전화번호 031-670-5205 소속 화학공학전공 전공 콜로이드 및 계면공학 연구실 N-105 교수소개 교수 김영호 소속 화학공학전공 직위 교수 전화번호 031-670-5205 전공 콜로이드 및 계면공학 연구실 N-105 이메일 ynhkim@hknu.ac.kr 학력 및 경력 미국 Illinois Institute of Technology 화학공학 박사 연구실적 및 저서 Micro-Polishing of Complex and Flat Parts Using a Chemical Oil Based ER Fluid, Key Engineering Materials, 257-258, 477-482 (2006). A Study of Dynamic Interfacial Mechanisms for Demulsifications of Water-in-Oil Emulsions, Colloids and Surfaces,95, 235-247 (2004). Dynamic Film and Interfacial Tensions in Emulsion and Foam Systems, J. Colloid and Interface Science, 187, 29-44 (1997). 교수 김영기 상세보기 직위 교수 전화번호 031-670-5206 소속 화학공학전공 전공 환경생물화학공학 연구실 1공학관 109호 교수소개 교수 김영기 소속 화학공학전공 직위 교수 전화번호 031-670-5206 전공 환경생물화학공학 연구실 1공학관 109호 이메일 kim@hknu.ac.kr 학력 및 경력 서강대학교 공학박사 연구실적 및 저서 Effect of nanoparticle on cellular growth and lipid production in Chlorella vulgaris culture, Biotechnology Progress 34(4) 929-933 (2018). Stabilization characteristics of metal ions in marine-contaminated sediments by recycled aggregate, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17(6) 1806–1814 (2017). Enhancement of formic acid production from CO2 in formate dehydrogenase reaction using nanoparticles, RSC Advances, 6, 109978-109982 (2016). Use of magnetic nanoparticles to enhance bioethanol production in syngas fermentation. Bioresource Technology, 204, 139–144 (2016). Stabilization of heavy metal contaminated marine sediments with red mud and apatite composite, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 16(2) 726-735 (2016). 교수 임영일 상세보기 직위 교수 전화번호 031-670-5207 소속 화학공학전공 전공 공정시스템공학 연구실 제1공학과 110호 교수소개 교수 임영일 소속 화학공학전공 직위 교수 전화번호 031-670-5207 전공 공정시스템공학 연구실 제1공학과 110호 이메일 limyi@hknu.ac.kr 학력 및 경력 1987-1993, 고려대학교, 화학공학과, 학사 1994-1996, KAIST, 화학공학/유동층 연구실, 석사 1997-2001, ENSIACET (Toulouse, France), 화학공학/공정시스템, 박사 2001- 2004, Denmark Technical University (Lyngby, Denmark), 화학공학/CAPEC, 연구교수 2004-현재, 한경대학교, 화학공학과, 교수 연구실적 및 저서 2011 1. Jeong-Min Suh,Young-Il Lim and John Zhu (2011), Experiment and modeling of pressure drop forcoke dust in a pulse-jet bagfilter, Kor.J. Che. Eng., 28(2), 613-619. 2. Young-Il Lim andSuresh K. Bhatia (2011), Effect of dead volume on performance of simulated moving bed process, Adsorption,17(1), 109-120, supported by KRF. 3. Young-Il Lim and Suresh K. Bhatia (2011), Simulation of methane permeability in carbon slitpores, Journal of membrane science,369(1-2), 319-328, supported by KRF. 4. Myung Won Seo,Thanh D. B. Nguyen, Young Il Lim, Sang Done Kim*, Sun Won Park and Yong Jeon Kim (2011), Solid Circulation and Loop-Seal Characteristics of a Dual Circulating Fluidized Bed: Experiments and CFD Simulation, Chemical engineering Journal, 168(2), 803-811, supported by SK Energy. 5. Son Ich Ngo, Thanh D. B. Nguyen, Young-Il Lim*, Byung-Ho Song, Uen-Do Lee, Young-Tai Choi, Jae-Hun Song (2011), Performance evaluation for dual circulating fluidized-bed steam gasifier of biomass using quasi-equilibrium three-stage gasification model, Applied Energy, 88(12), 5208-5220., supported by SeenTec. 2012 1. Thanh D. B. Nguyen,Son Ich Ngo, Young-Il Lim*,Jeong Woo Lee, Uen-Do Lee, and Byung-Ho Song (2012), Three-stage steady-state model for biomass gasification in a dual circulating fluidized-bed, Energy Conversion and Management, 54(2), 100-112.,supported by SeenTec. 2. Thanh D.B. Nguyen,Myung Won Seo, Young-Il Lim*, Byung-Ho Song,Sang-Done Kim (2012), CFD simulation with experiments in a dual circulating fluidized bed gasifier, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 36(1), 48-56, supported by SK Energy. 3. Sutanto, P.S.,Young-Il Lim*, and Jinsuk Lee (2012), Bed-line flushing and optimization in simulated moving-bed recovery of para-xylene,Separation and Purification Technology,96, p168-181., supported by NRF. 4. Young-Il Lim(2012), Optimal flushing flow rates in para-xylene simulated moving-bed considering geometric factor of dead volume, Adsorption, 18(5-6), p469-482.,supported by NRF. 2013 1. Son Ich Ngo, Young-IlLim*, Byung-Ho Song, Uen-DoLee, Chang-Won Yang, Young-Tai Choi, and Jae-Hun Song (2013), Hydrodynamics of cold-rig biomass gasifier using semi-dual fluidized-bed, Powder Technology, 234, p97-106, supported by SeenTec. 2014 1. Truong X. Do,Young-Il Lim*, and Heejung Yeo (2014), Economic analysis of bio-oil production process from empty fruit bunches, Energy Conversion and Management, 80, 525-534. supported by SMBA. 2. Truong Xuan Do, Young-il Lim*, Heejung Yeo,Uen-do Lee, Young-tai Choi, and Jae-Hun Song (2014), Techno-economic analysis of power generation plant with fluidized-bed gasification from wood chips, Energy,70, 547-560. supported by SeenTec. 3. Young-Il Lim*, and Uen-Do Lee (2014),Quasi-equilibrium thermodynamic model with empirical equations for air-steam biomass gasification in fluidized-beds, Fuel Processing Technology, 128,199-210. supported by NRF. 2015 1. Truong X. Do,Young-Il Lim*, Jinsuk Lee, and Woojo Lee (2015), Effect of normal paraffins separation from naphtha on reaction kinetics for olefins and aromatics production, Comput. Chem. Eng., 74, 128-143 (March 4, 2015). supportedby SMBA. 2. Son Ich Ngo,Young-Il Lim*, Byung-Ho Song, Uen-Do Lee, and Jae-Hun Song (2015), Effects of fluidization velocity on solid stack volume in a bubbling fluidized-bed with nozzle-type distributor, Powder Technology, 275, 188-198.supported by SeenTec. 3. Dung A. Pham,Young-Il Lim*, Hyunwoo Jee, Euisub Ahn, and Youngwon Jung (2015), Porous media Eulerian computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of amine absorber with structured-packing for CO2removal, Chem. Eng. Sci, 132,259-270. supported by GS. 4. Truong Xuan Do,Young-il Lim*, Sungsoo Jang, and Hwa-Jee Chung (2015), Hierarchical economic potentials for techno-economic evaluation applied to bioethanol production from palm empty fruit bunches (EFB), Bioresource technology, 189,224-235. supported by Gendocs. 5. Dung A. Pham,Young-Il Lim*, Hyunwoo Jee, Euisub Ahn, and Youngwon Jung (2015), Effect of ship motion on amine absorber with structured-packing for CO2 removal from naturalgas, AIChEJ. , 61(12), 4412-4425, supported by GS. 2016 1. Truong X. Do,Young-Il Lim*, Jinsuk Lee, and Woojo Lee (2016), Techno-economic analysis of retrofit petrochemical complex by simulated moving-bed, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 106, 222-241. In Feb. 2016, supported by NRF. 2. Truong Xuan Do andYoung-il Lim* (2016), Techno-economic comparison of three energy conversion pathways from empty fruit bunches, Renewable Energy, 90, 307-318. in May 2016, supported by NRF. 3. Jeongeun Kim, DungA. Pham, and Young-Il Lim* (2016), Gas-liquid multiphase computational fluid dynamics (CFD) of amine absorption column with structured-packing for CO2 capture, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 88, 39-49. supported by NRF, May2016. 2017 1. Truong Xuan Do,Young-il Lim*,Hyodeuk Cho, Jaehui Shim, Jeongkeun Yoo, S.K. Choi, and Byung-Yoon Park (2017), Process modeling and energy consumption for fry-drying and torrefaction of organic solid waste,Drying Technology, 35(6), 754-765. Supported by EDRC. 2. Son I. Ngo,Young-il Lim*, Moon-Heui Hahn, Jaeho Jung and Y.H. Bang (2017), Multi-scale computational fluid dynamics of impregnation die for thermoplastic carbon fiber prepreg production, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 103, 58-68. supported by NRF. 3. Jeongeun Kim, Dung A. Pham,Young-Il Lim* (2017), Effect of gravity center position on amine absorber with structured packing under offshore operation: Computational fluid dynamics approach, Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 121, 99-112.supported by NRF. 4. Hung H. Pham, Young-il Lim*, Chul-Ho Cho, and Yun-Hyuk Bang (2017), Hydrodynamics of low temperature carbonization furnace for production of PAN-based carbon fiber, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 128, 192-204,supported by NRF. 2018 1. Truong Xuan Do,Young-il Lim*, Hyodeuk Cho, Jaehui Shim, Jeongkeun Yoo, Kyutai Rho, Seong-Geun Choi, Chanwoo Park, Byeong-Yun Park (2018), Techno-economic analysis of fry-drying and torrefaction plant for bio-solid fuel production, Renewable energy, 119(4), 45-53, supported by NRF. 2. Hung H. Pham,Young-Il Lim*, Sungu Han, Bosup Lim and Hyun-Shin Ko (2018), Hydrodynamics and design of gas distributor in large-scale amine absorbers using computational fluid dynamics, Korean J. Chemical Engineering, 35(5), 1073–1082. supported by NRF and KETEP. 3. Son Ich Ngo, Young-Il Lim*, Moon-Heui Hahn,and Jaeho Jung (2018), Prediction of degree of impregnation in thermoplastic unidirectional carbon fiber prepreg by multi-scale computational fluid dynamics, Chemical Engineering Science, 185, 64-75. Supported by NRF. 4. Thuy T. Le, Son Ich Ngo, Young-il Lim*,Chi-Kyun Park, Byeong-Don Lee, Byeong-gook Kim, and Dong-Ha Lim (2018), Three-phase Eulerian computational fluid dynamics of air-water-oil separator under off-shore operation, J. Petroleum Sci. Eng., 171, 731-747. Supported by JET. 2019 1. Thuy Thi Le, Son Ich Ngo, Young-Il Lim*, Chi-Kyun Park,Byung-Don Lee, Byung-Gook Kim, and Dong-Ha Lim(2019), Effect of simultaneous three-angular motion on the performance of an air–water–oil separator under offshore operation, Ocean Eng., 171, 469-484. Supported by NRF. 2. Son Ich Ngo, Young-il Lim,*, Woohyun Kim, Dongju Seo,and Wang Lai Yoon, Computational fluid dynamics and experimental validation of a compact steam methane reformer for hydrogen production from natural gas, Applied Energy, 236, 340-353, supported by NRF/KIER. 3. Dan Duc Nguyen, Son Ich Ngo, Young-il Lim*, Woohyun Kim, Dongju Seo, and Wang-Lai Yoon (2019), Optimal design of sleeve-type compact steam methane reformer for hydrogen production from natural gas, Int. J. Hydrog. Energ., 44, 1973-1987,, supported by NRF. 4. Hung H. Pham, Son I. Ngo, Young-il Lim* and Yun-Hyuk Bang (2019),Computational fluid dynamics and tar formation in a low-temperature carbonization furnace for the production of carbon fibers, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 73, 286-296, supported by NRF. 5. Son Ich Ngo, Young-Il Lim*, Soo-Chan Kim (2019), Wave characteristics of coagulation bath in dry-jet wet-spinning process for polyacrylonitrile fiber production using computational fluid dynamics, Processes, 7(5), 314, May 2019, Supported by NRF. 6. Truong X. Do, Hermawan Prajitno , Young-il Lim*,and Jaehoon Kim* (2019), Process modeling and economic analysis for bio-heavy-oil production from sewage sludge using supercritical ethanol and methanol, Journal of Supercritical Fluid, 150, 137-146, supported by NRF. 7. Bay Van Tran, Dan Duc Nguyen, Son Ich Ngo,Young-Il Lim*, Dong Hyun Lee, Kang-Seok Go and Nam-Sun Nho (2019),Hydrodynamics and simulation of air-water bubble column under elevated pressures, AIChE Journal, 65(10), e16685,supported by CCP and NRF. 2020 1. Bae K, Go GS, Noh NS, Lim Y-I, Bae J, Lee DH (2020). Bubble characteristics in pressurized bubble column associated with micro-bubble dispersion. Chemical Engineering Journal, 386, 121339, suppoertd by CCP. 2. Truong Xuan Do, Rana Mujahid, Hyun Soo Lim, Jae-Kon Kim, Young-Il Lim*,Jaehoon Kim* (2020), Techno-economic analysis of bio-heavy oil production from sewage sludge using subcritical and supercritical water,Renewable Energy, 151(5), 30-42, supported by NRF 3. Thang Toan Vu, Young-Il Lim*, Daesung Song*, Tae-Young Mun, Ji-Hong Moon, Dowon Sun, Yoon-Tae Hwang,Jae-Goo Lee, Young Cheol Park (2020),Techno-economic analysis of conventional and oxy-combustion power plants with and without CO2 capture and storage, Energy, 194(3), 116855,Supported by KIER and NRF. 4. Son Ich Ngo, Young-il Lim* (2020), Multi-scale Eulerian CFD of chemical processes: A review, ChemEngineering, 4(2), 23, supported by CCP and NRF. 5. Son Ich Ngo, Young-Il Lim*, Doyeon Lee, Kang Seok Go, and Myung Won Seo*(2020), Flow behaviors, reaction kinetics, and optimal design of fixed- and fluidized-beds for CO2 methanation, Fuel, 275(9), 117886, supported by KIER and NRF. 교수 엄병환 상세보기 직위 교수 전화번호 031-670-5208 소속 화학공학전공 전공 신재생에너지공학 연구실 제1공학관 111호 교수소개 교수 엄병환 소속 화학공학전공 직위 교수 전화번호 031-670-5208 전공 신재생에너지공학 연구실 제1공학관 111호 이메일 bhum11@hknu.ac.kr 학력 및 경력 Prof. Byung-Hwan UM's CV (American Version) https://sites.google.com/view/chem-faculty-byunghwanum 학력 미국 어번대학교, 화학공학과, 박사, 2007 (Chemical Engineering, Auburn University, AL, USA), PhD. 경력 현 한경국립대학교, 식품생명화학공학부, 화학공학전공, 교수. 현 집단에너지 연구회 (한국지역난방공사), 기술분과,간사 현 (사) 한국신재생에너지학회, 이사 현 (사) 한국목재공학회, 이사 전 국회환경포럼, 자문위원 전 에너지정책 워킹그룹, 공급분과, 민간위원 전 한국에너지기술평가원, 사외이사 전 산업통상자원부장관, 에너지 정책자문관 전 미국 Widener University, PA, USA, 화학공학과, 조교수 정부출연 연구과제 미이용 산림바이오매스를 이용한 바이오신소재 생산 및 고부가가치 제품화 기술개발 (한국임업진흥원, 2023~2025) 폐플라스틱 열분해 오일기반 업그레이딩 오일 생산을 위한 연구기반 및 메커니즘 확립 (한국생산기술연구원, 2023~2024) 한중 30kW급 초본계바이오매스 반탄화/가스화 통합형 분산발전 및 산업폐가스 활용 CCU 실증기술 개발 (한국에너지기술평가원, 2022~2025) 리그닌 저분자화 및 글리세롤 수상개질 연계 공정을 통한 선택적 바이오오일 생산연구 (한국연구재단, 2022~2025) 고함수/저급 바이오매스를 연료로 하는 탄소중립 스팀보일러, 건조기 기술개발 및 실증 (중소벤처기업부,2022~2024) 미이용바이오매스의 산업용 고품위 고형연료 제조 해외 실증사업 (한국에너지기술평가원, 2020~2024) 케나프 바이오 연료화 및 환경 공익기능 연구 (농촌진흥청, 2020~2022) 클링커 저감형 화력발전소용 바이오연료 전처리 및 보일러 혼소 적용기술개발 (한국에너지기술평가원, 2017~2020) 에너지작물 케나프의 고밀도 연료화 및 클링커 방지형 연소기술 개발 (한국에너지기술평가원, 2017~2020) 국내 온실가스 및 미세먼지 저감을 위한 초본계바이오매스 활용 화력발전 연료전환 기술 실증사업 기획 (한국남동발전, 2017~2018) 농촌시설하우스 냉난방시설 대상 미활용 에너지 공급 및 수용성 개선에 대한 연구 (한국에너지기술평가원, 2016~2017) 리그닌 저분자화를 통한 바이오오일 생산 및 페놀성 화합물 회수공정개발 (한국연구재단, 2016~2018) 그린카본을 이용한 하수슬러지 연료화 제조 공정개발 (한국에너지기술평가원, 2015~2018) 거대억새를 활용한 연료화 및 클링커 방지형 고효율 열원시스템 개발 (한국에너지기술평가원, 2015~2018) 탄소섬유에 니켈 및 고분자코팅 실용화기술 개발 (중소기업청, 2015~2016) 태양광용 폴리실리콘의 혼산세정용 불산과 분석용 불산의 개발 (한국산학연협회, 2015~2016) 펄프공정 폐기물을 활용한 수송용 연료첨가제 생산기술 개발 (한국에너지기술평가원, 2012~2015) 액상추출공정을 이용한 선-펄핑추출액 내 고부가 바이오 화학제품 회수를 위한 바이오정제 기술 개발 (한국연구재단, 2012~2015) 연구실적 및 저서 최근 5년간 논문실적 (2024~2020) 1. Ga Hee Kim, Youn IL Kim, Byung Hwan Um, Based_Catayzed Depolymerization of Organosolv Lignin into Monoaromatic Phenolic Compunds, Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12649-024-02655-5 2. Seong Rae Lim, Ga Hee Kim, Byung Hwan Um, Hydrothermal Carbonization and Torrefaction of Kenaf, Rice Husk, Corncob, and Wood Chip: Characteristics and Differencces of Hydorchar and Torrefied Char, Bioenergy Research, 2024 (17),1816-1831. 3. Hee Sun Youn, Ga Hee Kim, Byung Hwan Um, Comparative Analysis of Characteristics Based on Three Processes of Kenaf Solid Fuel: Hydrothermal Carbonization,Torrefaction, and Low Ash Torrefaction, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2024 (41),1743-1755. 4. 김연일, 정선영, 조영재, 윤성, 엄병환, EU RED-II 방법론을 적용한 국내 미이용 바이오매스 케나프 펠릿의 전과정 온실가스 배출량 산정, The Korean institute of chemical engineers, 2023 (61). 5. Hee Sun Youn, Seong Ju Kim, Ga Hee Kim, Byung Hwan Um, Enhancing the Characteristics of hydrochar via hydrothermal carbonization of Korean native kenaf: The effect of ethanol solven concentration as co-solvent and reaction temperature, Fuel, 2023 (331), 125738, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2022.125738. 6. Seong Rae Lim, Seong Ju Kim, Byung Hwan Um, Characteristic analysis of fractionized light and heavy oil derived from Korean native kenaf via hydrothermal liquefaction, Biomass and Bioenergy, 2022 (167), 106606, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2022.106606. 7. 김종헌, 엄병환, 데이터 센터의 공냉식 프리쿨링 냉동기 에너지 효율 분석, Korean Journal of Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering, 2022 (34), 595-599, https://doi.org/10.6110/KJACR.2022.34.12.595. 8. 김종헌, 엄병환, 초본계 바이오매스 발전사업 타당성 분석 연구, Korean Journal of Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering, 2022 (34), 437-445, https://doi.org/10.6110/KJACR.2022.34.9.437. 9. Seong Rae Lim, Ga Hee Kim, Kyoeng Keun Oh, Byung Hwan Um, Effect of Reaction Temperature on Properties of Torrefied Kenaf, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2022 (194), 6091-6105, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12010-022-04021-4. 10. 윤희선, 엄병환, 열수탄화를 통해 kenaf로부터 hydrochar 생산과 공정 조건에 따른 hydrochar 특성에 끼치는 영향, Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 2022 (33), 28-37, https://doi.org/10.14478/ace.2021.1088. 11. Seong-Ju Kim, Ga-Hee, Byung-Hwan Um, Use of alkaline catalyst with ethanol-water as a co-solvent in the hydrothermal liquefaction of the Korean native kenaf: An analysis of the light oil and heavy oil characteristics, Energy, 2022 (249), 123509, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2022.123509. 12. Ga-Hee Kim, Byung-Hwam Um, Fractionation and Characterization of lignins from Miscnathus via organosolv and soda pulping for biorefinery applications,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020 (158), 443~451, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.04.229. 13. Seong-Ju Kim, Byung-Hwam Um, Biocrude production from Korean native kenaf through subcritical hydrothermal liquefaction under mild alkaline catalytic conditions, Industrial Crops & Products, 2020 (145),112001~112007, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2019.112001. 14. Jin-Seong Cha, Byung-Hwam Um, Delignification of Pinecone and Extraction of Formic Acid in the Hydrolysate Produced by Alkaline Fractionation, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12010-020-03311-z. 15. Jin-Seong Cha, Byung-Hwam Um, Levulinic acid production through two-step acidic and thermal treatment of food waste using dilute hydrochloric acid, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 2020 (37), 1149-1156, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11814-020-0521-6. 16. Seong-Ju Kim, Byung-Hwam Um, Process Variable Optimization of Kenaf Two-Stage Fractionation Based on Dilute Hydrochloric Acid Followed by Ethanol Organosolv for Component Separation, BioEnergy Research, 2020 (13), 249-259, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12155-019-10057-y. 전공주임교수 정원석 상세보기 직위 전공주임교수 전화번호 031-670-5201 소속 화학공학전공 전공 연료전지, 수소 에너지, 촉매 및 재료 연구실 1공학관 106호 교수소개 전공주임교수 정원석 소속 화학공학전공 직위 전공주임교수 전화번호 031-670-5201 전공 연료전지, 수소 에너지, 촉매 및 재료 연구실 1공학관 106호 이메일 jungw@hknu.ac.kr 학력 및 경력 학력 성균관대학교 화학공학 전공(B.S.) 과학기술연합대학원대학교 에너지변환 공학(M.S.) University of South Carolina 화학공학과(Ph.D.) 경력 LG Phillips LCD 엔지니어 Washington State University 방문연구원 한국과학기술연구원 연구원 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) 박사후 연구원 포항공과대학교(POSTECH) 박사후 연구원 국립한경대학교 화학공학과 조교수 경력 연구과제 에너지 변환용 고효율 고내구성 2차원 비귀금속 기반 촉매 개발(우수신진연구지원사업, 한국연구재단, 2020~2024) 연구실 홈페이지 https://sites.google.com/view/jung-laboratory/ 연구실적 및 저서 최근 연구실적 1. Won Suk Jung*, W. H. Lee, H-S. Oh* and B. N. Popov*, Highly stable and ordered intermetallic PtCo alloy catalyst supported on graphitized carbon containing Co@CN for oxygen reduction reaction. J. Mater. Chem. A, 8 (2020) 19833. (IF: 11.301, featured in the back cover page) 2. H. Park, D-K. Kim, H. Kim, S. Oh, Won Suk Jung*, and S-K. Kim*, Binder-coated electrodeposited PtNiCu catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction in high-temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. Appl. Surf. Sci. 510 (2020) 145444. (IF: 6.182) 3. H. Han, Y. Noh, Y. Kim, Won Suk Jung, S. Park, and W. B. Kim*, An N-doped porous carbon network with a multidirectional structure as a highly efficient metal-free catalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction. Nanoscale 11 (2019) 2423. (IF: 6.895) 4. Won Suk Jung, Y. Kim, Y. Noh, H. Han, S. Park, J. Lee, and W. B. Kim*, Comparative investigation of nitrogen species in transition metals incorporated carbon catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction. Chem. Phys. Lett. 708 (2018) 42. (IF: 2.029) 5. Branko N Popov*, Taekeun Kim and Won Suk Jung, Development of highly active and durable hybrid compressive platinum for polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells at USC. ECS Trans. 85 (2018) (12) 123. 6. Won Suk Jung*, High-performance Bimetallic Alloy Catalyst Using Ni and N co-doped Composite Carbon for the Oxygen Electro-reduction. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 514 (2018) 30. (IF: 7.489) 7. Won Suk Jung*, Study on Durability of Pt Supported on Graphitized Carbon under Simulated Start-up/Shut-down Conditions for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells. J. Energy Chem. 27(1) (2018) 326. (IF: 7.216) 8. Won Suk Jung* and Branko N. Popov*, Effect of Pretreatment on Durability of fct-structured Pt-based Alloy Catalyst for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction under Operating Conditions in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 5(11) (2017) 9809. (IF: 7.632) 9. Won Suk Jung and Branko N. Popov*, Hybrid Cathode Catalyst with Synergistic Effect Between Carbon Composite Catalyst and Pt for Ultra-low Pt Loading in PEMFCs. Catal. Today 295 (2017) 65. (IF: 5.825) 10. Won Suk Jung* and Branko N. Popov*, Improved Durability of Pt Catalyst Supported on N-doped Mesoporous Graphitized Carbon for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells. Carbon 122 (2017) 746. (IF: 8.821) 11. Won Suk Jung* and Jaeyoung Lee*, Induced Changes of Pt/C in Activity and Durability Through Heat-treatment for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in an Acidic Medium. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 42(36) (2017) 22800. (IF: 4.939) 12. Won Suk Jung* and Branko N. Popov*, New Method to Synthesize Highly Active and Durable Chemically Ordered fct-PtCo Cathode Catalyst for PEMFCs. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9(28) (2017) 23679. (IF: 8.758) 13. Taekeun Kim, Tianyuan Xie, Won Suk Jung, and Branko N. Popov*, Development of Ultra–low Highly Active and Durable Hybrid Compressive Platinum Lattice Cathode Catalysts for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 42 (2017) 12507. (IF: 4.939) 14. Wonsuk Jung, Tianyuan Xie, Taekeun Kim, Prabhu Ganesan, and Branko N. Popov*, Highly Active and Durable Co-Doped Pt/CCC Cathode Catalyst for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells. Electrochim. Acta 167 (2015) 1. (IF: 6.215) 15. Taekeun Kim, Tianyuan Xie, Wonsuk Jung, Francis Gadala-Maria, Prabhu Ganesan, and Branko N. Popov*, Development of Catalytically Active and Highly Stable Catalyst Supports for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells. J. Power Sources 273 (2015) 761. (IF: 8.247) 조교수 김규민 상세보기 직위 조교수 전화번호 031-670-5202 소속 화학공학전공 전공 광전자 디바이스 및 고분자 재료 연구실 제1공학관 112호 교수소개 조교수 김규민 소속 화학공학전공 직위 조교수 전화번호 031-670-5202 전공 광전자 디바이스 및 고분자 재료 연구실 제1공학관 112호 이메일 gyumin@hknu.ac.kr 학력 및 경력 약력 2017 The University of Tokyo 박사 2017-2018 Toin University of Yokohama 박사후 연구원 2018-2020 Postdoctoral fellowships for foreign researchers by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) 2020-현재 한경대학교 식품생명화학공학부 화학공학전공 조교수 연구분야 유/무기 하이브리드 페로브스카이트 태양전지 개발 광전자 디바이스 전자 및 홀 유송층 개발 고분자 합성 및 디바이스 응용 금속나노입자 관련 플라즈몬 응용 및 분석 연구분야 소개 본 연구실에서는 고효율 고내구성 광전자 소자 개발 연구에 초점을 두고 있다. 특히 최근 각광 받고 있는 페로브스카이트를 이용한 태양전지 개발을 목표로 고내구성 고효율 신규 페로브스카이트 및 홀 유송층 합성, 계면 향상을 위한 전해질 연구를 수행하였다. 또한 페로브스카이트 방사선 내구성 실험 및 우주항공산업 실용화 실증, 금속나노입자 플라즈몬 커플링 활용 등의 연구성과를 기반으로 다양한 분야 결합을 통한 고부가가치 융합 연구를 수행한 바 있다. 본 연구실은 페로브스카이트 태양전지 최초 보고 그룹인 Toin University of Yokohama의 Miyasaka 그룹과 협업 및 기존의 연구성과를 바탕으로 디바이스 상용화를 목표로 하고 있으며 이를 위해 납을 사용하지 않는 비독성 페로브스카이트 및 올 무기재료 합성, 계면향상을 위한 신소재 개발 및 전기화학적 메카니즘 규명연구에 집중하고 있다. 연구실적 및 저서 (2021) G. M. Kim*, H. Sato, Y. Ohkura, I. Ayumi, T. Miyasaka*, Phenethylamine-based interfacial dipole engineering for high Voc triple-cation perovskite solar cells, Advanced Energy Materials, 2102856 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1002/aenm.202102856 G. M. Kim*, E. S. Oh, A. K. Jena, T. Miyasaka*, Sensitivity of mixed cation/halide perovskites to evaporation kinetics of DMSO at early stage, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, (2021), https://doi.org/10.1039/D1TA08462C Y. Miyazawa, G. M. Kim, A. Ishii, M. Ikegami, T. Miyasaka, Y. Suzuki, T. Yamamoto, T. Ohshima, S. Kanaya, H. Toyota, K. Hirose, Evaluation of Damage Coefficient for Minority-Carrier Diffusion Length of Triple-Cation Perovskite Solar Cells under 1 MeV Electron Irradiation for Space Applications, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125, 24, 13131, (2021). (2020) Z. Guo, A. K. Jena, I. Takei, G. M. Kim, M. A. Kamarudin, Y. Sanehira, A. Ishii, Y. Numata, S. Hayase, T. 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Kim, H. Nishi, T. Tatsuma, Plasmonic Photovoltaic Cells with Dual-Functional Gold, Silver, and Copper Half-Shell Arrays, Langmuir, 33, 8976 (2017). G. M. Kim, T. Tatsuma, Photocurrent enhancement of perovskite solar cells at the absorption edge by electrode-coupled plasmons of silver nanocubes, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121, 11693 (2017). G. M. Kim, T. 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